Greetings all, I hope that this letter finds you well and surviving this crazy winter. And it has been crazy with severe cold one day and high temps the next. Plus, we have had crazy rain, wind, and snow throughout the country. However, in Sacramento two weeks ago while it was wet and cool outside, inside it was HOT! Why? Because the hornline and drum majors had an outstanding camp. The 2024 corps played lots of new show music with the brass staff and excellent fundamental work was completed with the visual team. We have a full hornline – yep, 80 members a rockin’ and a rollin’ as they prepare for an outstanding 2024 season. The food was delicious, the transportation was on time, the admin support was spot on, and the instruction was second to none! Our facility at Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy in  Elk Grove for the weekend worked out quite well. We are thankful for their support of the Mandarins organization. It was a bit of a last-minute solution as our usual facilities couldn’t make their logistics meet our needs. However, we made it happen and the camp was a success! Show-wise, the design team continues to work on the show and the brass book is pretty much complete – at least for the first pass. Percussion writing is tracking along quite nicely, and the visual design is ahead of schedule. Impressive – right?!?! Well, I am impressed so there you go! Seriously, the team has been dedicated and focused from day one and I am very impressed with the product. I think you will love it. Tour plans continue to evolve as we work with Drum Corps International and local show sponsors to lock in housing locations. It is always an opportunity to make happen and our admin team is working diligently to coordinate those logistics. That’s about everything for now. Be safe, be sane, and we will see you down the road! Ciao, JW Corp Director